| | | FEEDING YOUR FISH A lot of people have written asking what to feed their fish. This page will consist of how * feed my fish and what I feed my fish. I will give a description of the food and what I feed it to along with my personal experiences with that brand or type of food. I hope that this will give you an idea what to feed your fish. This page will only include feeding Freshwater Tropical Fish. If you would like to find out what to feed your Goldfish, please refer to the Goldfish Page for that information. It is important to feed your fish a varied diet. No one food contains all the nutrition that a fish needs. By feeding a variety of foods you fish will stay healthier, be happier and grow much quicker. In fact, I have found that some of my fish are very Picky eaters. For instance when I put flake food in the tank they will only eat certain parts of it. They will grab the green flakes and ignore the red ones. If you have the time, I would suggest feeding the way I do. On weekdays, I get home about 5:00 pm from work. The first thing I do when I get home is feed one type of food in all the tanks. Every so often when I get up for something, I go around and feed the next type of food to the fish, as long as they have cleaned up the previous food. By the time I go to bed about 10:30-11:00 all the tanks have been fed slowly. I do not give a large amount of any one food since I feed such a large variety. That way, all the fish usually get a little something. That is except for the real picky little buggers that seem to think they are special and will just hang out until I drop their "Favorite" food in there. On weekends, I feed several times a day. I space the time between feeding more than I do on the weekdays. Many times, depending on how late I stay up, the fish end up getting fed some of the same things a second time around. TYPES OF FOOD Here is a list of fish I have and have had. For several years now I have fed the same brand and types of food. Almost very tank I have gets these same foods except for the Goldfish tank. More than likely you will have at least one of the fish listed here. Needlenose Gar, Tin Foil Barb, Pictus Catfish, Various types of Gouramis, Bala Shark (Silver Shark), Clown Loach, Orange Tailed Botia, Numerous types of Cory's (Corydora), Various types of Rainbows, Various types of Swordtails, Various types of Platys, Green Tiger Barb, Kool Aid Barb, Various Skirts, Various Tetras, Various Mollies, Knight Gobi, Plecostomus, Clown Knife (Featherback), Peacock Eel, Tire Tread Eel (Spiney Eel), Do-Jo, Oscar, Blue Acara, Jack Dempsey, Ghostknife, Green Terror, Texas Greenspot Cichlid, Convict, Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta), Knight Goby, Palmas Bicher, Fire Mouth, Banded Leporinus, Redfin Shark, Butterfly Fish, Various types of Platys, Siamese Flying Fox, Marbled Headstander (Abramites), Pink-tailed Chalceus, Pike, and Geophagus. I'm sure I've missed a few, but this will give you a general idea anyway. :) Tetra JumboMin: This is basically very large thick floating food sticks that replaces live food in your fish that eat live food, like my Oscars. It is a perfect alternative to feeder goldfish. Tetra JumboMin is formulated with a large percentage of dried live foods (Krill, Shrimp and Crabs) Having so many Oscars, it gets quite expensive to feed a dozen live feeder fish a day at 10 cents a piece. The Oscars really love these. The Oscars are very messy eaters and they spill food out their gills as they eat. The other fish in the tank, Gourami's, Blue Acara, Cat Fish, Plecos, etc, swim up and grab all the little tiny particles of food that have been so nicely handed to them by the Oscars. This is the only brand of food on the market that supplies this type of food that I am aware of. Tetra DoroMin: These are small food sticks. They are mainly for Oscars as well. They tend to get the whole stick eaten without messing up the tank. I leave them full size when putting them in the tank with the Oscars, however, I break up 6 of them into 4 pieces and feed them in my other tanks as well... 6 per tank. Several of the other fish go after them and love them, Tin Foil Barbs, Clown Knives, Palmas Bicher, Cats, Gourami's, etc. I don't know of any other brands that make this type of food either. Tetra large flake Cichlid Food: These flakes have a natural color enhancer in them. It is a concentrated flake as well so you don't have to feed as much. I feed this in all of my tanks, whether there is Cichlids in there or not. All the fish except for the live food consumers eat these flakes and love them. There are other companies that make this food, however, I chose Tetra because it is large flakes that the Oscars seem to prefer. They won't eat the small flakes. Wardley Spirulina Discs: I feed this in all my tanks. These, along with Algae Wafers supply most of the nutritional needs of any of the bottom feeding fish; Loaches, Catfish, Cory's, etc. I will mention this however, a lot of the other fish love these as well. My Oscars eat them, as well as my Tin Foil Barbs, Sharks, Clown Knives, etc. Some of the fish won't touch them however. I chose this brand because they were the cheapest and I like the quality of them. Hikari Algae Wafers: Again, same as above. Along with the Spirulina Discs, bottom feeders are well fed. Some of the other fish love them, some don't. There are other brands on the market, but again, I like the quality of this brand and they are the cheapest. Wardley Shrimp Pellets: 99% of the fish go totally crazy over these. ALL fish it seems just love them. I put quite a few in all my tanks. Usually the larger fish get them eaten before the little Cory's get a chance at them, but every so often they get one here and there. There are probably other brands of these out there, but I haven't seen them. Wardley Cichlid T.E.N.: These are designed for Cichlids like Oscars as well, however I feed them in all my tanks. They come in different size pellets. I buy the medium size since the Oscars seem to prefer it over any others. Many of my other fish love them, Clown Knives, Tin Foil Barbs, Bala Shark, Gourami's, Cats, etc. It is a little hard for the Gourami's to eat them since they are so large. They usually keep an eye on the ones that the Oscars don't eat and when they soften up and start to sink to the bottom of the tank, then they nab on to them. Tetra Doro-Red: This food is good for all large tropical fish, especially Oscars. It is color enhancing as well. I feed it the same way as I do the DoroMin...I leave them full size when putting them in the tank with the Oscars, however, I break up 6 of them into 4 pieces and feed them in my other tanks as well... 6 per tank. Several of the other fish go after them and love them, Tin Foil Barbs, Clown Knives, Palmas Bicher, Cats, Gourami's, etc. I don't know of any other brands that make this type of food either. San Francisco Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp: All the fish love this. I generally crumble it a little so that all the fish can get some though. I've tried several brands and I like this one the best. The fish like it the best, and the quality is much higher than the others I've tried. It is just a tiny bit more spendy than the other brands, but it is well worth the 50 cents or so more that you have to pay for it. They are quite spendy, so every weekend, the fish get this as an added treat. Hikari Freeze Dried Blood Worms: Most of the fish love these. The larger fish don't too much. I think it is because they are so small and they can't really get a good taste of them. The smaller fish all go for them instantly. I have tried San Francisco brand and one other that I can't remember the name of right now and by far... Hikari comes out on top as far as quality and less waste. They are just a small bit more than the other brands, but well worth it. Tetra Growth flake Food and Tetra Brine Shrimp Treat (flake): I mix these two foods along with the Hikari Freeze Dried Blood Worms in equal increments. Then I put them back in the containers. This I feed to any of the tanks that have young fish in them. The flakes are very small and the combination of the 3 foods together are excellent for small baby fish. The Tetra Brine Shrimp I feed as a treat to my other tanks that have smaller fish in them. I haven't seen any other growth food out there, but I have seen other Shrimp Flakes and I prefer the Tetra Brand over any of them. O.S.I. Spirulina Flakes: These take over where the Discs leave off. The flakes enable the other fish that don't care for the Discs to get some Spirulina as well. Spirulina is a necessary part of a fishes diet. The fish all love these flakes. There are other brands out there, but I feel that O.S.I. has the best. Nutrafin Tubifex Worms: These are freeze dried compressed cubes of Tubifex Worms. You put them in the tank and press them against the glass. They stay stuck there and the fish come up and nibble on them. I find that they work the best in tanks with the smaller fish. Otherwise the big fish come up and wolf them down in one big gulp and no one else gets any. I don't feed a whole lot of them. It again is a treat for the weekends. I hope you know... my fish love the weekends. :) Frozen Blood Worms: Boy... talk about something that the fish go totally crazy over... Frozen Blood Worms is it. Man... drop a frozen cube in there and the entire tank is in a feeding frenzy. If you put these cubes in with the bigger fish, they will consume them whole. What I started doing was putting them in the tank and holding on to them as they thaw. When they get about 1/2 way thawed out, then I turn lose of them. That way the smaller fish get some of them as they float down and yet the larger fish still get some while they are still in a part of a cube before they thaw out. I have actually watched some of my smaller fish grab a hold of the cube and take off with it in there mouth to a corner of the tank so they could eat it. I don't have a particular brand in mind. They are all about the same. I just buy what is cheapest or available at the time I go to the fish store. Staple flake food: I buy whatever is cheapest at the time. These I use for a little added nutrition and as a filler so the fish don't feel hungry. I feed so much of the high quality stuff that they really don't need a whole lot of added nutrition. It is rather funny to watch the fish eat this food. Most of them are in several different colored flakes. I would imagine that what ever ingredient is in the individual flake determines the color of it. I watch the fish go up to it and certain fish will grab one color whereas other fish will grab the next color. Some fish will only eat a certain color and others will eat any of it. There are a lot of wafer type foods out there for bottom fish. My bottom fish don't really need a whole lot of this sort of thing since they get so much other foods to nibble on as it falls to the bottom of the tank. However, if I had a tank with nothing but bottom feeders in it, I would purchase some additional more expensive types of bottom feeder foods.